The Human 'Slothful' Being

Awareness. What a funny thing. To be aware. What does it mean? Does it mean we're somewhat greater than the ant? Surely, an ant also has some awareness of its surroundings and some degree of limited consciousness, does it not? And then there is life. What does it mean to be alive? Why do some people argue that "Life is precious, so don't waste it?". How have they arrived at such a conclusion? Who are 'they'? Does it mean that everyday we continue to breathe and waste our finite time away? (If you read back, the last two sentences actually rhyme).
What this little thought experiment really shows is that we're actually more unsure of ourselves that we lead ourselves to believe. As human beings we seem to block out the reality and focus on materialism to provide us with some temporary degree of what we deem to be happiness. But really all we are actually doing is not facing facts. Life is precious because it is finite and we only have a short space of time to achieve the meaning of life, whatever that to you may be. Once this time is over, then unless you believe in reincarnation, that is it! Your life in well and truly over. Can you honestly say to yourself now that you've achieved your meaning of life? have you even ever thought about what the meaning of life for you is? For the majority of people, the answer unfortunately is "No".
But if you use logic and reason, you can always come to an answer. What makes us different to ants is that we have consciousness which essentially means that we have the freedom to make our own decisions. Ants and other species of animals do not have free will. They live to serve the creation, this is their meaning of life. For us humans, to have freewill is a great responsibility, one which we're inept at managing. We must realise as humans that all our actions in turn will have a consequence, but these days we've forgotten where to draw the line. This is a grave shamble of the human race. However, in this beautiful creation, even humans cannot escape some laws, like the Natural Laws. We're affected by gravity, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, monsoons, radiation etcetera. Nature is a force not to be reckoned with.
One of the most simplistic and powerful quote that always sticks in my head is "What you Sow is what you shall Reap". Remember this and it may well avoid you a lot of pain in the future. People will always remain sluggish and unhappy whilst others will seem to be on top of the world. This is just the way it is people, it is just the way it is. ;-)
2 Inquisitives:
At 4:40 am,
Geoff said…
"We must realise as humans that all our actions in turn will have a consequence, but these days we've forgotten where to draw the line."
I whole heartedly agree with this satement but I have two questions:
1)Why do you say that we have forgotten? Did we lose some knowledge we once had?
2)How do you decide where to draw the line?
At 12:03 pm,
Jazz said…
(1) I say forgotton because its much like the "Slippery Slope argument", once you cut one corner and then another and then another you soon find that you've crossed all the principles that you should be following. And yes, I think we have lost the divine knowledge about our meaning of life and in this age are too engrossed in materilaism and the physical world. We forgot the spiritual world.
(2) This has always been the moral problem of how we manage our free will. But the solution is simple, instead of deciding what is right and wrong we can follow 3 simple principles which should in turn make us moral beings who will naturally make moral decisions. These 3 basic principles are (1) Daily Meditation (2) Sharing with Others (3) Earning an Honest Living. Together these 3 aspects turn a person into a moral person and following them, you yourself will understand where the line should be drawn.
Religion, ideas and beliefs cannot and should not be forced upon anyone, but instead people have the right to chose where to draw their own lines. Morality is a subjective principle as is religion.
Thanks for ur comments!
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